Learn more about me below!
I am a senior majoring in Computer Science at Ball State University. During my studies I have worked in Python, C#/.NET, Java, HTML and many other languages!
Many of the my projects I have worked on have more information below!
24x7 System Monitoring
This project is a program that is hosted with ASP .NET Core. It's whole purpose is with the use of API's you can input an API endpoint and be able to monitor certain criterias set by a user. This is done by setting a certain time that you want these to be checked, and you can know when things go wrong by a notification system through email and text.
Within this project we have worked with C# and .NET Core Our Database Design is using PostgreSQL and EF Core. Other Services that are used are Twillio and Mailgun for messaging services
I have spent countless hours on this project, working along side my other groups members doing work on the database, getting features for reoccurring job checks and working with API calls in order to receive information.
I Graduated from Burris Laboratory School and received academic honors there as well. I have attened undergraduate studies at IUPUI and Ivy Tech on top of Ball State
When it comes to work experience I am currently employed at Roche Diagnostics. In High School I took up an internship at Ontario Systems here in Muncie. As well as these I have speant my summers since I was young being a lifeguard at my local pool!
The languages I am the most well used in are C#/.NET, Python, Java, HTML and PHP. With these langauges I have used Visual Studio and IntelliJ as a few of my central IDEs
I dedicated many years of my life to the Boy Scouts of America. In that time I earned the rank of Eagle Scout, which is something that I can hold onto for a life time. In earning that I had to dedicate many hours volunteering. I did a bulk of that at my local St. Vincent DePaul, which is a non-profit store to supply the community with goods at a very low price. I speant a good part of a summer repaint and helping around their building. Eventually fully completing the makeover of the interior!
I enjoy hiking, swimming, biking and many other active outdoor activities. On top of that I enjoy video games as much as any other student. I also spend a good amount of time with my family and loved ones